Kitikata-san's Blog

I am a girl cat in Nashville.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Another One?

Stop with the invasions of my home, my condo, my perch already! Sheeesh! This creature wanting into my perch is Tenrec. Tenrec is a little mammals living in Madagascar. What this Tenrec is doing here, I do not know. I have a feeling the little one did not want me to get lonely when my human sent that bear Sonny (see previous post) on its way, so the little one adopted this Tenrec from the World Wildlife Fund and then WWF sent Tenrec live me. The thing is, I don't have a lot of room in my condo/perch, so I think the Tenrec must live amongst my humans, and leave me to some space in My Perch!


At 2/1/10, 5:06 PM, Blogger Ellen Whyte said...

OK Kitikata-san, time to lay down, streeeetch, and the problem will solve itself!

At 2/7/10, 2:45 AM, Blogger boo_licious said...

hee hee, good advice from another ginger pal Au to Kitikata-san. Chill baby chill and everything will be alrite.

At 2/10/10, 7:41 PM, Blogger Kitikata-san said...

Ahh! Tenrec is now out of my perch and in my humans' perch. They have lots of room there. I can even sit on their perch with them and Tenrec. I finally have peace and quiet in my perch.

At 2/10/10, 7:50 PM, Anonymous Katie said...

Tenrec sounds like a nice new friend - and he looks snuggly too!

At 1/28/11, 5:11 PM, Anonymous Roni said...

Well your condo a little spacious so you can accommodate one more Kitikata-san. You know in my rabbits hutches there are plenty of stuff toys and my rabbits are enjoying it. Why don't you take in on the brighter side.


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