My humans had a party the other day, and people came to my house. They brought presents for the humans, and some brought presents for me too. One person brought me a very nice plate, as you can see. It is a wonderful picture of a black and white kitty ready to share a mouse meal. I love my new plate. My human put it on the living room table, so I can see my pretty plate everyday.
Upsie, she is hosting WCB, and in celebration of that, Upsie is also offer some Ahi Tuna to nibble on while you visit. That is one cool cat!
tagged with:
weekend cat blogging,
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Hi Kitikata,
We like yur coat too. Tanks for bisiting owr blog. We r hiding cuz Maw and Paw have the clippers!
Forty Paws
Hello more paws than I know how to count! Meow! Keep hiding ok! Or you can do what I do. I wiggle and meow and act as if I want to bite.
Hi Kitikata-san. Thanks for visiting me! What a great plate. Your beans must have nice friens to bring you such a wunderful plate. I like to think I'm the kinda kitty to share my mousie dinner too.
I'm the same way about getting my claws trimmed, but since I wear those stupid soft paws (mommy makes me wear them with colors as if I'm not a boy!) I don't have to do it much. I'm going to link to your bloggie if that is OK.
Meow Kitikata-san!
Such a lovely plate. Now all it needs is a juicy mouse for you.
Mr Hendrix, I would be honored to be on your hot links list. You are one hot "cool cat"! Mr Hendrix, you look like you would be a good mouser, and I am sure you would share yours with your humans very nicely! Maybe put theirs on the front step, in a shoe for that extra surprise!
Boo, Thank your for noticing how lovely my plate is! Yes, if I were a good mouser, I would put a mouse on my lovely plate. I have proven to be a lousy hunter, and I have to get my meals catered for me by the humans.
What a great-looking plate! If you run out of mice to serve on it, you could always ask your human for a nice slice of pineapple!
Hello, Kitikata-san. What a lovely plate for you! Although Victor an I are tabbies (he's a stoopid cowcat if you ask me), the cats afore us were bof tuxies an Mom still has a soft spot fur them, efun pictures on a plate.
Of course, the most important fing about MY plate, is the FOOD in it. Purrs
Hi Kitikata-san! I am very glad to meet you. That is a very pretty plate!
Meow kitikata-san! That is such an adorable plate! I bet your food will taste TWICE as good being served on such a plate! =]
That is a beautiful plate! I'd be proud of something like that, too!
Hello Ostara, I will ask the humans for some pineapple. I am not sure if they it that because all they eat is "no, no, back, back, that is not for you!" food everyday.
Oh Bonnie, why yes, the tuxie kitty on the plate is so very cute! I am so glad you can see that!
Meow Daisy, thank you for saying a nice thing about my beautiful plate! I really like your spots!
Oh Sher, if I could share my beautiful plate with you, I would! Every cool cat should be so lucky to have a nice plate like this one!
Puddy Cat at Kate's- You are so right! Food and treats are the best on this plate!
Meow Lux, thank you for stopping by and seeing my plate that I am purroud of! That means a lot coming from a cat with the best chasy toys!
What a cool plate! It looks like me, except my nose is black not pink.
Sorry we didn't know about you sooner. Stop over and visit us!
Maxwell Smartkitty
The Crew
wow ...
i havta talk to mi mom'z frendz abowt bringin me giftz wen dey come to mi howse.
dat iz a byootiful plate!
Meow Mr Max,yes indeed the plate looks like you! Did you pose to make a purrty picture for my plate?
Oh Jeter, you handsome cat you. My human's friends seem to love me and bring me presents all the time, like treats and toy mice. This is the first time I ever got something this purrty!
hahaha! We loves tht plate - purrrfect! It was furry nice of those visitin' beans to think of you :)
I see you happy and warm...prrrr...
Thanks for your visit!
Ups! sorry... I cannot erase my erroneous commentaries.
Meow K & S, thank you for thinking my purrrfect plate is purrrfect! it sure is! Thank you for visiting!
Ms Anita, LOL, I love all your comments! Thank you for seeing my purrty plate, and my binky! I like visiting your blog very much!
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