Don't blink, but Julius is kind of like a cat. Julius is a neighbor, he lives right down the street. He likes to dance. Really he does! If you put some Motown or Stax on, look at Julius, and dance next to him, he will sway back and forth too. He is a good dancer. He also likes to eat treats right out his human's fingers. He is one smart turtle. My human said I can only look at him, not eat him. I guess it would be tough to try to eat him cuz he is a big turtle.

So, here I am at my food bowl eating my kibble catered by my human cuz I have not turtle to eat.
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Harmon and Bustopher in Kate's Kitchen for more Weekend Cat Blog! While you are there, tell Harmon how pretty his fur style is!
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It mite be kinda hard to eat da turtle cuz dey disappear wen u poke dem.
Luf yur binky!! Totally awesum. Dat wuz so speshul of yur granny to make it for you.
Luf, Us
o, swimmy turtle... u's must go see my furr-iend, Karen, wif hers cats Grr, Midnight & Cocoa... they's haf THREE swimmy turtles...
u's be a furry pretty kittie cat.
so glad u's stopped by mine bloggie.
Also, come by 'n sees us at tha Cat Blogosphere... i's a ree-purrter of all tha noos theres.
Wow, my ginger Benji is happy to have met another handsome ginger boy! Emma is my tuxie and Marley is the siamese mix. I will bookmark your site and hope to see you around the cat blogosphere! Happy WCB!
Uhm, let's see. A bug is a liddle thing that has lots of legs. They usually make moms go "Ewww" or "EEEKKK". They can fly or run up walls and across ceilings. The laws of gravity don't apply to them we thinks. They are lots of fun to smack around. They keep moving, well, until you pull their legs off. Then they ain't fun no more.
Luf, Us
Oh, so that's what a turtle is! Very cool. :)
You look very nice in your photo. :)
Oh, how I love "ginger" cats! What a sweetie.
Hi Kitikata nice to meet you!Welcome to my blog1 you are a nice cat!
(=' :')
¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) ¸.-♥¨)
(¸.-´ (¸.-` ♥ Besitos ♥.-´¯`-.♥
So ist u sayin dat you dunt haf to haf da clicky claw fing no more cuz u put the bitey on?
Dat's a bery gud idea!
Luf, Us
We think that kibbles are the best ever to eat so don't think turtle!
China Cat & Willow
Hey ALL you COOL CATS! Thank you for visiting me and my neighbor Julius. Thanks for the advice too, I won't be trying to eat Julius, as I do have pretty good catered food and treats everyday. Thank you for thinking Julius is as cool as he is. He is almost as cool as us cats!
I wonder if its nice to have a turtle friend. But they are not furry and they wont play with you.
Great turtle! I don't have much experience with such animals, but I guess that they also have their own character...
Your ginger cat is beautiful!
The next WCB event will be hosted by me, so don't forget to participate ;-P!
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