Well, this is me before the diet. My people no longer leave food out for me to nibble on because they say I was fat. I have lost a pound or two since this photo. To check out other kitties and wide-bodies in this WCB, check in with
Upsie and the squirrels at What Did You Eat.
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I'm happy that the diet worked! You look ever so gorgeous anyway...
Boy is that a fat fuzzy bum! And you still look beautiful...
Glad to hear you're on a reducing diet though; better for your health. Hope your mum helps you take your mind off your growling tummy by playing lots of games.
It can be difficult being a moderately rounded girl in the best years of her life - but I'm sure you'll see all the advantages of being of a slightly smaller size:)
I'm glad to hear you've lost some weight! That means that you have less of a chance of developing health problems, so that's good news!
Glad to hear that your diet is working.
It's always a slightly awkward topic for Luna and I to discuss, being naturally thin, but we do wish our friends to be healthy and happy :)
Merci pour ton gentil commentaire ! Tes chats sont très mignons !J'ai eu un chat roux pareil que le tien !
Your picture encouraged me to visit your site. You are a big beautiful kitty.
I'm glad to hear that the diet works. But I love cats that are a little chubby.
Diet?? I think you wooked perfectwy fine! What are the people thinking?
Oh, diets are never very fun. Glad it is working for you and we hope that you will be off of it soon!
you are so beautiful, one or two more weeks of diet and you'll be much more smart
Thanks everyone! I appreciate your kind words. Yes, I will have to have another photo taken as a new slimmer self. Maybe next week.
Hi there,
I love Yoghurt a lot and some of my cat friends said it had great weigh reduction results.
I just eat Yoghurt because I love it so much and I hunt so much outside, I burn all my food quite well...
Moritz (thecatblog.com)
My humans don't feed me yougurt. I don't know what that is.
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