Does this pose make me look fat? Oh Fat Eric, do you have competition now? Seriously people, I have a lot of fur that is fluffy, and it makes me look bigger than I really am.
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You are not fat, just a cuddly and fluffy kitty!!! My cat Maruschka has exactly the same body shape and she is not fat. She has a lot of fur and eats not much at all...
Thank you for confirming that I am cute, cuddly and fluffy! I think us fluffy kitties offer more to love right? Please stop by my blog any time, cuz you are all so nice!
Thank you Meow Meow! Thank you for saying I am fluffy and cuddly! I really am cuddly and fluffy! I have so much fluff that I share it liberally on my human's clothes, couch, chairs, binkies, ya know, all the places my fluffy fur should be!
deer kitikata-san, heer in noo york, now dat it'z verree, verree cold, mi brudderz an i fluff up alot fer da winter! but, underneeth dat fluffiness, iz a well-built cat! (eksept fer mi brudder mickey.) dat'z called "adaptin to da invierment" yer verree byootiful. luv--jh
Thank you Upsie and Sher! I feel better about my large furriness now!
fat?? nooo! it's just your fluffy fur and you don't look fat :)
Kashim *who has lots of fur too and is not fat at all ;)
You are not fat, just a cuddly and fluffy kitty!!!
My cat Maruschka has exactly the same body shape and she is not fat. She has a lot of fur and eats not much at all...
Definitely not fat - just floofy! You look quite lovely!
China Cat & Willow
No, not fat! Just cuddly! :)
Thank you for confirming that I am cute, cuddly and fluffy! I think us fluffy kitties offer more to love right? Please stop by my blog any time, cuz you are all so nice!
I think you just look terribly cuddly!
I agree!!! Not fat, just fluffy!
Certainly not fat! Just fluffy, with lots of fur. :)
Thank you Meow Meow! Thank you for saying I am fluffy and cuddly! I really am cuddly and fluffy! I have so much fluff that I share it liberally on my human's clothes, couch, chairs, binkies, ya know, all the places my fluffy fur should be!
The word is,, ...voluptuous :)
You look quite lovely! but take care of their heart!
Oh my god! You look absolutely adorable!
Oh voluptuous is a good word! Thank you for thinking I am adorable too!
What a hansum Man Cat!! Just fluffy and gorgeous to us.
Luf, Us
I think you look very cute.
Thank you for thinking I am cute and fluffy! I feel cute and fluffy! My humans tell me that I am cute. I think that I have a big head now.
Happy Valentine's Day :)
deer kitikata-san,
heer in noo york, now dat it'z verree, verree cold, mi brudderz an i fluff up alot fer da winter! but, underneeth dat fluffiness, iz a well-built cat! (eksept fer mi brudder mickey.) dat'z called "adaptin to da invierment"
yer verree byootiful.
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