Kitikata-san's Blog

I am a girl cat in Nashville.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

He's Home! He's Home!

Little Black Kitty has a home! Little Black Kitty has a home! YAY! Little Black Kitty has a real name too! His name is Bruno! YAY! Bruno also has the lap of luxury that he deserves. Bruno's human likes to tap on his leg, and Bruno is more than happy to hop up on his lap to sit for hours to purr, to be petted and to nap. Bruno's lap of luxury is his favorite place to be.

1-week at home photo, isn't Bruno looking handsome!

When Bruno was at the vet last week, Bruno did not want to come out of the cat carrier becuase he was so scared and he was in pain. Then, when he got to his furrever home, Bruno knew right away that he was in a safe place, and walked right onto his human's lap of luxury. Bruno was so happy to be able to sit on his human's lap, and that is where he has stayed for long time.

The other human who lives there was medicine lady, and Bruno wasn't so sure about the meds. But as the week went on, Bruno's injuries started to heal, and Bruno did not mind getting meds as much. Now, all the meds are done, and just look at Bruno, his face is completely healed and waiting for the hair and whiskers to grow back, he can open that eye that was hit, and he can now jump up on the computer table to keep his human's company while they work on the computer!

Bruno's ordeal of of that terrible morning when he found himself hit by a car in the middle of a busy intersection is now a faint memory because he NOW has the best home in Nashville! YAY!

Here is Bruno's dog sister. This dog's first best friend was a cat, and I think that she wants to be friends with Bruno too. She loves to kiss kitties, and pal around with kitties.

Here is Bruno's dog brother, the happiest dog on Earth! This dog is very gentle and happy to live in his home. He loves his humans, his food, his chew toys, his treats, his yard, and he loves Bruno.

Here is Bruno's cat sister. Bruno has been trying to make advances to be friends with her. As all big sisters are like, she is fine having a new brother, but she wants to make sure that everyone knows she is the big sister. I would like to call your attention to the fact that SHE is Bruno's complete opposite! She is a girl kitty with beautiful white fur, and Bruno is a boy kitty with beautiful black fur!

Here is Bruno on the most luxurious pillow in the house. Please everyone, congratulate this family of lovely humans, dogs and cats for a new little brother Bruno. And Please compliment Bruno for healing up so well, and that he is looking so handsome!

Weekend Cat Blog is being hosted by Lisa at Champaign-Taste. Check out some good kitties, good recipes and the best food/drink pairing with the Oscar winning movies! Brilliant!

Before you move on to another blog, check out the Cat Blogosphere, where there were lots of cool cats wishing and pulling for Bruno to get a furrever home with the lap of luxury! Thank you Cat Blogosphere for your good wishes and support! Meow! It was the positive energy that helped Bruno get the best home in Nashville!

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At 3/3/07, 7:46 AM, Blogger Mr. Hendrix said...

I am so happy for LBK! What a wonderful end to a terribly scary story. He is going to be one loved and spoiled kitty. I'm so glad there are such good people out there who are not only willing to do what he needs (and pay the expense) to get him healhy, but also to give him what we all need, and that is love.
Thanks for letting us know about LBK. Maybe he can check in with the blogosphere and let us know how he's doing??

At 3/3/07, 7:47 AM, Blogger Mr. Hendrix said...

ooops I should be calling him Bruno since he has his forever name and forever home. We're so happy for you Bruno! *kitty hugs and paws clapping*

At 3/3/07, 8:34 AM, Blogger Kitikata-san said...

Mr Hendrix, Thank you Thank you for your happiness about Bruno (formerly known as LBK)! Once his fur grows back, I hope he looks as handsome as you!

At 3/3/07, 8:45 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

So happy Bruno got a home! That's wonderful. And what a beautiful sister, with the white fur. How perfect—one black, one white...

At 3/3/07, 8:49 AM, Blogger Emma's Kat said...

Yeah Bruno, formerly LBK! So happy that he found his furrever home!

At 3/3/07, 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so happy, too.
Thank you to answer our question about him and many thanks to this real nice family for adopting Bruno !

At 3/3/07, 10:32 AM, Blogger Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

woooohooooo! wer're so happy that LBK, now bruno, found such a good home and is doing so well.

we thouhght much of him this last week and kept paws cepossed fpr him toi fimd a good family. now we are happy to see it really happened and his story got such a perfectly happy end.

big hugs to bruno and his new family!

and big hugs to you too who cared so much about him when he needed a close friend most!


At 3/3/07, 1:41 PM, Blogger KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

o, what a wonnerful ending to this storie. i's so happy fur Bruno, he deserves his noo life.

'n u's did such a grrrreat fing, taking him in 'n findin him's home.

hope his noo home lets him blog later on, we'd luf ta keep up wif hims.

purrrssss, KC

At 3/3/07, 2:42 PM, Blogger Daisy said...

This is the happiest story ever! And look how great Bruno looks now, his eye got all better! I am very very very happy.

I am wishing Bruno and his new family much happiness.

At 3/3/07, 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!! I temporarily misplaced your tel. number. I would have called!!

At 3/3/07, 4:30 PM, Blogger Kitikata-san said...

Hello Lisa, Emma's Kat, Sher and Upsie, Brigitte, Kashim & Othello, KC, Daisy and Beau, Thank you! Thank you for thinking so well of Bruno (formerly LBK), and Thank you for sharing in the joy of Bruno's fantastic home!

At 3/3/07, 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's wonderful news :)

At 3/3/07, 10:11 PM, Blogger Lux said...

This is such wonderful news - congrats to Bruno for now having the best forever home in Nashville!

At 3/3/07, 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news! I'm glad Bruno has a home, he's such a beautiful cat! And he's got brothers and sisters now, that's fabulous! :)

At 3/4/07, 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello gorgeous Bruno! Congratulations on your excellent new home - and we're sending lots of purrs to the wonderful people you've adopted!

At 3/4/07, 7:03 AM, Blogger sammawow said...

Oh, we were so happy to read that Bruno has a wonderful forever home!!! We Love stories with happy endings!!!

China Cat & Willow

At 3/4/07, 7:17 AM, Blogger Kitikata-san said...

Ariel, Luxor, Katie, Grr, Midnight and Cocoa, ChinaCat and Willow, It is such wonderful news isn't it? I really appreciate all your well wishes and keeping your paws crossed all week for Bruno. That really helped us get through the week before Bruno got his home!

And the way Bruno is healing up, and as the tire and road grease comes out of his fur, he just might be just as handsome as Grr, Midnight and Cocoa! What do you think?

At 3/4/07, 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What great news that Bruno has a forever home, and that he is on the mend.
He is a beaut!

At 3/4/07, 9:31 AM, Blogger Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is such good news! :) I am so happy that LBK/Bruno has found a great forever home. :) That is terrific! :)

At 3/4/07, 10:51 AM, Blogger Fat Eric said...

Yay for Bruno's new home! That is a furry happy ending.

At 3/4/07, 3:15 PM, Blogger KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Just had to come back by and re-read Bruno's wonderful story. Doesn't he have nice woofies and a kitty. Such a wonderful ending, or really, beginning!

At 3/4/07, 8:32 PM, Blogger Kitikata-san said...

Hey Dragonheart, Thank you for reading about Bruno's good news!

Hello Fat Eric, Thank you for visiting and seeing Bruno's good news! I hope you are recovered from your little hunger scare, and I hope Uncle Andrew is on the mends.

ML, thank you for your support over the past week for Bruno! It is such terrific news, and the dogs love being around kitties! It is a great beginning! You are right!

At 3/5/07, 6:44 AM, Blogger happigrl said...

Bruno, you look marvalous. Congratulations on your new home!
Leah the Human
Gatto & Mikey

At 3/5/07, 7:35 AM, Blogger Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

I'm ever so happy for Bruno! That's a story ending on a good note...

At 3/5/07, 5:14 PM, Blogger Forty Paws said...

We're so happy that Bruno has such a wonderful furrefer home!! That is great news!!! We're so glad you rescued him and found him the bestest home in Nashville! And he has lots of 4-legged pals now too!

Luf, Us

At 3/5/07, 7:23 PM, Blogger Kitikata-san said...

Gatto and Mikey, I can't wait for your new blog! Meow! Thank you for thinking Bruno looks Marvelous! He does doesn't he?! I will tell Bruno Congratulations when I see him on the weekend!

Rosa, thank you so much for being happy from Bruno! I am happy too!

40 Paws, well, Bruno only makes 16 paws at his house, so they are few paws short from your house. Bruno's humans are so happy to have him, and they have not stopped purring too!

At 3/5/07, 7:57 PM, Blogger Ingrid said...

What a nice happy end ! and when I saw Bruno's sister I thought about my Arthur, they look like twins really ! What is your blog exactly about ? Is it to place lost animals ? I mean as I live in Belgium I couldn't adopt a cat from Nashville or elsewhere in the States. Unfortunately, we have more than enough here in our cat shelters. So is this only for Americans ? and can you tell me a little more about the cat week end blogs ? Thanks for your comment on my art museum for cats, lol ! I had a lot of fun to make that up !

At 3/6/07, 4:01 PM, Blogger Kitikata-san said...

Dear Gattina, Thank you for stopping in to this cat blog!

Weekend Cat Blogging was started by a food blogger, who had a cat. It was to take time to share stories of a cat, then start back to food blogging on Monday. Now, there are a bunch of people who continue on with the tradition. Each weekend, a blogger hosts, and adds your link to your WCB story, after you leave a comment in the comment box. The host changes from blog to blog. This coming week, WCB is being hosted by

You can go to the catblog help center, and click on WCB link on the right side, and see more.

At 3/6/07, 9:24 PM, Blogger Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Lucky Bruno! Well Done!

At 3/8/07, 1:47 PM, Blogger Fat Eric said...

Thanks for your sympathy over my "weekend of starvation" trauma. I'm just checking back into the blogosphere after spending 4 days eating non-stop to make up for it!

At 3/9/07, 2:46 PM, Blogger Kitikata-san said...

Hi Sharlene and Spice Kitties, it is great that Bruno is so lucky! He has a great home!

Fat Eric, That must have been scary to not have food for that long! I am glad that is over, and you can go back to being your regular self known as Fat Eric. I do hope that you let us know about Uncle Andrew and how he is doing.

At 3/10/07, 7:25 AM, Blogger boo_licious said...

I'm so happy for Bruno. Such a lovely family of humans, dogs and cats to take him in. Lots of pats and kisses for Bruno.

At 3/17/07, 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh kitty-san you are so cute! you are so adorably shiny and lovely.

hugs to you and to your mommy.

ms. marsha

At 3/18/07, 4:26 PM, Blogger Meowers from Missouri said...

YAY for lbk/bruno!!! *paw-claps* we are so happy that kind, loving beans are giving him a nice, spoil-y kind of home, complete with sisfurs and a brofur, an' that they cared enough in the first place to get him all fixed up!! he looks like he's shaping up just fine.

we are sure that great bast smiles on them all.

purrs from the meowers!

At 3/19/07, 4:36 PM, Blogger Kitikata-san said...

Dear Boo, you do so much for strays, and the next time I see Bruno, I will give him a kiss! Thank you so much for stopping in!

Hello Ms Marsha, *kiss kiss* to you!

Meowers! Thank you, thank you *bow*, I like it when kitties clap for good news!


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