Take a good look. These cats are working cats, and are as smart as a rocket scientist. They are on the NASA payroll. Really they are! The cats are responsible for the vermon security at the shipping and receiving warehouse, and they take no prisoners. You will not see one fugitive mouse or rat on their watch. These cats are the best paid cats in all of NASA. They get paid in food, treats, fresh water, and all the mice they can catch. They also get paid in vet bills as well, but shhh, they don't like the word V-E-T, much like me.

The story behind these kitties is that Mama Kitty, the grey tabby, was dropped off, big and pregnant at the gateline. She told her story of being knocked up, how everyone abandoned her, she was needing work for food so she could care for her kittens, and that she would be a good employee if NASA would give her a chance. The head guy took pity on Mama and gave her a job in the warehouse. A few days later, still working, Mama gave birth to her kittens, including her son Peanut, the big orange kitty. The other kittens grew up and decided to live with others, but Peanut, the runt of the pack decided to take on the family business of guarding the warehouse. NASA saw the wisdom of having two vermon employees on site, and when Peanut was old enough to be on the payroll, they signed him up too. That was about 10 years ago when Mama Kitty was first dropped off at the gate. Mama Kitty was right, she is a great employee doing her job, and she is also a very well liked employee, and many other employees come by to say hello to her everyday.
To see more cool cat stories, check into
Scamperdude. He's got the corner on being Supercat and Supercat Rockstar.
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