Kitikata-san's Blog

I am a girl cat in Nashville.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Julius is like a Cat WC#86

Don't blink, but Julius is kind of like a cat. Julius is a neighbor, he lives right down the street. He likes to dance. Really he does! If you put some Motown or Stax on, look at Julius, and dance next to him, he will sway back and forth too. He is a good dancer. He also likes to eat treats right out his human's fingers. He is one smart turtle. My human said I can only look at him, not eat him. I guess it would be tough to try to eat him cuz he is a big turtle.So, here I am at my food bowl eating my kibble catered by my human cuz I have not turtle to eat.

Check out Harmon and Bustopher in Kate's Kitchen for more Weekend Cat Blog! While you are there, tell Harmon how pretty his fur style is!

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

My Binky WCB#85

Ok, I have told you about many pet neighbors, and pet friends, so I will tell you about me and my day. I have a favorite winter evening spot, it is on my chair with my binky. My binky was made by my human's mom, with very soft hypo-allergenic yarn. I like to make the binky even softer by kneading it over and over and over and over while I purr. It is a comfy and cozy place to curl up. Sometimes, my people use my binky to cover their laps, so I just hop on and sleep there.

Check out the cats at the Catblogosphere for more weekend cat blogs!

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Mouse Meal WCB#84

My humans had a party the other day, and people came to my house. They brought presents for the humans, and some brought presents for me too. One person brought me a very nice plate, as you can see. It is a wonderful picture of a black and white kitty ready to share a mouse meal. I love my new plate. My human put it on the living room table, so I can see my pretty plate everyday.

Visit Upsie, she is hosting WCB, and in celebration of that, Upsie is also offer some Ahi Tuna to nibble on while you visit. That is one cool cat!

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Friday, January 05, 2007

Weekend Cat Blogging #83

new Skeeter to the neighborhood!

Meet new Skeeter! Skeeter is a little white kitty who is very sweet. She came to my neighbors house a couple weeks ago from the shelter. She was a lucky kitten because a nice human took her, her bothers and sisters, and her mama in, and let Skeeter grow up big enough to live in her own house. See how good and healthy Skeeter looks! Foster human did a good job. Skeeter's new home is shared by that 4 letter word starting with D - DOGS. Yes, dogs, you read that right cool cats.

This Golden boy is a good ol' dog. He isn't so bad I guess. He seems to be happy no matter what he is doing. He will make Skeeter a good big dog brother.

This German girl, well, I swear she was trained by Golden boy because she is the happiest dog ever! When she comes by my house, she loves to do a "Buddy" by running up to the window and look at me, as if she wants to play with me.

I guess I shouldn't be too afraid of German girl because she just loves to kiss the new kitty.

Meow Meow CatSynth for hosting the weekend cat blog! And Yes, Skeeter looks like the Invert of purrty Luna!

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