Kitikata-san's Blog

I am a girl cat in Nashville.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

I have been tagged! WCB 95

1st time I have been tagged! I have been tagged by a very handsome kitty named China Cat. I would know China Cat is handsome cuz we look so much alike! Thanks for tagging me CC, cuz now I feel special! The meme is: 5 Reasons Why I Blog? Now, let me think....
5 Reasons Why I Blog - by Kitikata-san

1. Originally, to be silly. I thought it would be funny to have a blog cuz I am a cat, and I can't type or read. Little did I know, there are many cool cats who had the same idea!

2. Share my universe with the world. Some think that I must have a boring life as an indoor cat, but I see lots out my windows, and I have lots of pet friends in the neighborhood and in the blogosphere.

3. I love seeing other cute and adorable kitties in their blogs! I see smooth, furry, no hair and kitties that look like me!

4. Because I can. My human has to help me, but I have the technology to blog.

5. My humans love showing me off. They think I am very nice and cute, and they hope that everyone else thinks I am nice and cute too.

Thank you China Cat for giving me a reason to share more about me!

Lots of cool cats have been tagged with this meme already, but I want to tag:
Kashim and Othello two cool kitties with loud workmen outside.
Puddy who is byootaful.
Jelly Pizza with very nice photos of spring.
Luna a gorgeous kitty.
Upsie and Sundance who have a lovely garden.

Visit the Hidden Paw with Boots and Tess for more stories for the Weekend Cat Blogging.

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Here I am

I am right here taking a cat nap on the edge of the couch. I always like sleeping on the edge of the couch, bed, or table. It scares my humans cuz they think I am going to fall off. Little do they know that it is a ploy to get them to pet me.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

WCB #93 Burr and Woof

Shoot, it is cold out here. And you want me to do what and what while I am out here freezing my #*$@ off? Well, really though, I am neutered, so I don't have #*$@ to freeze off. But seriously folks, driving winds, 30 below, and snow drifts, you have got to be kidding!

The cats from last weekend have a good idea. This looks like a better place to do my thing. Maybe I will try this place.

Visit I got two shoes and a big kitty named Kamikaze for more stories for the Weekend Cat Blogging.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Sleeping in the Dryer WCB #92

Meet these two smart kitties from the Gulf Coast. You might miss the white kitty cuz she is white, the same color as the warm laundry that is in the dryer. See this gorgeous orange kitty that looks so much like me? These kitties always like the the dryer after the dryer is done and when all the clothes and sheets are warm.
I would like to let you know that the white kitty is 2 years old and now deaf. Her hearing condition wasn't always this way, rather over the last 2 years, it seems that the kitty has been having hearing progressive hearing loss. She is a very smart kitty, and can read sign language now. Her human taught her "come" and "food" in sign language, and will continue on with other signing.

Visit Upsie, the pigeon, and Sundance for more stories for the Weekend Cat Blogging.

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Saturday, March 03, 2007

He's Home! He's Home!

Little Black Kitty has a home! Little Black Kitty has a home! YAY! Little Black Kitty has a real name too! His name is Bruno! YAY! Bruno also has the lap of luxury that he deserves. Bruno's human likes to tap on his leg, and Bruno is more than happy to hop up on his lap to sit for hours to purr, to be petted and to nap. Bruno's lap of luxury is his favorite place to be.

1-week at home photo, isn't Bruno looking handsome!

When Bruno was at the vet last week, Bruno did not want to come out of the cat carrier becuase he was so scared and he was in pain. Then, when he got to his furrever home, Bruno knew right away that he was in a safe place, and walked right onto his human's lap of luxury. Bruno was so happy to be able to sit on his human's lap, and that is where he has stayed for long time.

The other human who lives there was medicine lady, and Bruno wasn't so sure about the meds. But as the week went on, Bruno's injuries started to heal, and Bruno did not mind getting meds as much. Now, all the meds are done, and just look at Bruno, his face is completely healed and waiting for the hair and whiskers to grow back, he can open that eye that was hit, and he can now jump up on the computer table to keep his human's company while they work on the computer!

Bruno's ordeal of of that terrible morning when he found himself hit by a car in the middle of a busy intersection is now a faint memory because he NOW has the best home in Nashville! YAY!

Here is Bruno's dog sister. This dog's first best friend was a cat, and I think that she wants to be friends with Bruno too. She loves to kiss kitties, and pal around with kitties.

Here is Bruno's dog brother, the happiest dog on Earth! This dog is very gentle and happy to live in his home. He loves his humans, his food, his chew toys, his treats, his yard, and he loves Bruno.

Here is Bruno's cat sister. Bruno has been trying to make advances to be friends with her. As all big sisters are like, she is fine having a new brother, but she wants to make sure that everyone knows she is the big sister. I would like to call your attention to the fact that SHE is Bruno's complete opposite! She is a girl kitty with beautiful white fur, and Bruno is a boy kitty with beautiful black fur!

Here is Bruno on the most luxurious pillow in the house. Please everyone, congratulate this family of lovely humans, dogs and cats for a new little brother Bruno. And Please compliment Bruno for healing up so well, and that he is looking so handsome!

Weekend Cat Blog is being hosted by Lisa at Champaign-Taste. Check out some good kitties, good recipes and the best food/drink pairing with the Oscar winning movies! Brilliant!

Before you move on to another blog, check out the Cat Blogosphere, where there were lots of cool cats wishing and pulling for Bruno to get a furrever home with the lap of luxury! Thank you Cat Blogosphere for your good wishes and support! Meow! It was the positive energy that helped Bruno get the best home in Nashville!

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