WCB #90 part 2, Rescued Kitty
My human has not been faithful to me, I can smell another cat, GASP, it is a boy cat! Oh what am I to do? What? What is that? Allow my humans to type. OH, well, fine, I am out of here.
Kitikata-san's human here:
A cat is going to need a home and a lap of luxury. Can you help me find a great home in Nashville?
This little black kitty (LBK) was found in the middle of a very busy intersection of Wedgewood and 12 Ave. South in Nashville during rush hour. He had been hit by a car, or tossed out of a car. I stopped and a woman stopped to help LBK, and we took LBK to the vet. LBK is in a fantastic foster care situation now, so LBK can heal up, and get the remaining course of antibiotics. Amazingly, the vet said that LBK has no broken bones, only some trauma to his face.
LBK is a neutered male, 2-3 years old, 9 lbs, loves to sit on laps to be petted, and seems to be ok around big dogs, and another cat. LBK is short hair black cat with white tuffs on his stomach and his chest. He titer tested negative to FeLeuk and FeAIDS, he is not sneezing or coughing (so no cat herpes), and the vet fully vaccinated LBK.
tagged with: weekend cat blogging, wcb, cat blog, cat blogging, wcb90